Successful demoulding of the first NERO 645 hull: A significant milestone

Today we can announce that the demolding of the first hull of our NERO 645 Voltara has been successfully completed. This step marks another important milestone in the production of our first model and underlines the rapid progress we have made this year.

The successful demolding of the hull is not only a technical success, but also a symbol of the commitment and expertise of our entire team. The hull, made of full carbon using the vacuum infusion process, is characterized by its exceptional strength and lightness – properties that are crucial for the outstanding performance of the NERO 645 Voltara.

This success is proof that we are on the right track to making our vision of a state-of-the-art and powerful electric boat a reality. The demolding of the first hull shows that we can implement our high standards of quality and precision not only in theory, but also in practice.

With the successful demolding of the first hull, we have taken another important step towards our vision. We are proud of what we have achieved and look forward with great confidence to the coming weeks, in which we will continue to push ahead with the construction of the NERO 645 Voltara.

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